Genetic Support Network of Victoria

Terms of Use

Last updated: May 2024

The Science Within Us is an educational tool (“Resource”) developed by the Genetic Support Network of Victoria (GSNV). In this policy, “SWU”, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to the Science Within Us, together with its related bodies corporate, including the GSNV and the Murdoch Childrens’ Research Institute.

By using the Resource (whether downloaded or viewed on an internet browser), you accept these Terms of Use (“Terms”) and agree to follow them. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use the Resource.

  1. Use of the Resource
  1. You can only use the Resource, or provide personal information through the Resource, if you are:
    1. an Australian resident aged 18 years or over; and
    2. have a registered Resource account. 
  2. You are responsible for how you use the Resource. You can only use it in Australian Schools to enable learning outcomes for students and you must follow these Terms. You must not use the Resource for any other reason, for example commercial purposes or spam. You should contact us immediately if you think the Resource is being used for any other purpose.
  3. Please provide only true and accurate information. If that information changes, tell us as soon as possible. 
  4. You must not give your account or log-in details to any other person or let them access or use the Resource. Only the person who created the Resource account should access the activities in the Resource. You are responsible any activity on your account. You must not access any other user’s account or try to find out their log-in details.
  5. You should secure your internet, devices and Resource account, for example with strong passwords or pins. If you do not, others may access your information. We are not responsible for any unauthorised access from a failure to secure your account. 
  6. If you use a shared email address or phone number and do not implement a unique password or pin, the people who share it may have access to your information, including messages that we send you, activities we ask you to complete and your responses. We are not responsible for any unauthorised access in connection with this. Please contact us if you would like to provide a different email address or phone number.  
  7. If you use the Resource on a shared device, you should log out or lock the device after use. If you do not, other users may have access to your information, including messages that we send you, activities we ask you to complete and your responses. These security steps are your responsibility.
  8. Third party applications and plugins can interfere with the Resource. If you use them or have them installed on your device or internet browser, you may have trouble logging in to the Resource or completing the activities. For the Resource to work correctly you need a good internet connection and a device that supports the Resource. You will need to arrange this. If the Resource is not working, please refer to the FAQs in the Resource then contact us if needed.   
  9. You must not do or try to do anything to all or part of the Resource or its software, including:
    1. decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble it;
    2. copy, change, interfere with, remove notices from or distribute it; 
    3. use it to build or do anything that competes;
    4. introduce viruses, computer code, files or programs that impact it or user devices; or
    5. access restricted parts of it or any Resource or user data.
  10. You must not use the Resource, or provide any data or information, in a way that:
    1. violates or infringes the rights of SWU or third parties;
    2. is against the law, offensive, defamatory, fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive;
    3. includes personal information about another person without their consent; or
    4. harms the systems, servers, networks or security of SWU or third parties.
  1. Stopping your access
  1. At any time, for any reason and without telling you, we can:
    1. change, suspend or stop using or updating all or part of the Resource;
    2. suspend, limit or stop your access to all or part of the Resource and delete your Resource account (including if we believe you are not following these Terms or you are using the Resource incorrectly or inappropriately); and
    3. take any action they think is appropriate if there is a security issue.
  2. If your access to the Resource has been suspended, limited or stopped and you think it is a mistake, please contact us to query or renew your access using the details provided below.
  1. Liability and responsibility
  1. To the extent permitted by law, SWU:
    1. are not responsible or liable for any loss or claim because of or connected to your use of the Resource or its content; and
    2. do not make any promises about the Resource. For example, they do not promise that there will be no errors, that all errors can be fixed, that the Resource will always be available or will be secure and free from all harmful code, bugs or viruses or that the information in the Resource is correct, up to date or complete. 
  2. We aim to keep the Resource secure, working well and fix any problems as soon as possible. Sometimes access or use is interrupted, for example during maintenance or updates or for other reasons outside of our control. 
  3. We are not responsible for any third party websites linked on the Resource. They may have their own terms and conditions that you need to follow. 
  4. We are not responsible for the activities of each other or any third parties. 
  5. You are responsible for any loss, harm or claim that is connected to your use of the Resource outside the scope of these Terms. This does not apply if you are simply following the instructions in the Resource.
  1. Intellectual Property
  1. The content of the Resource (including words and logos) and the software that makes the Resource work are made available to you only for educational purposes.
  1. Privacy
  1. The data you provide when using the Resource may be stored and processed. The FAQ page and Privacy Policy contains information about how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. It can be found here. 
  2. We may use anonymous and aggregated information (information about groups not individuals) provided in the Resource to make the Resource easier to use.
  1. Not medical or health advice
  1. The information provided in the Resource is not medical, health or any other professional advice. If you have medical or health concerns, you should speak to a professional. 
  1. Other important things
  1. The laws of Victoria, Australia apply to these Terms. If there is an issue, the Victorian courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and resolve it. 
  2. We may change these Terms, so you should check them from time to time.  We will use reasonable efforts to tell you before making any important changes (eg by sending you a message).  If you keep using the Resource, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes. 
  3. If any part of these Terms is invalid, that part is reduced or removed but the rest of these Terms still apply.
  1. Contact information

If you have any questions, you may contact us by emailing:

The Science Within Us – Project Officer

Genetic Support Network Victoria

50 Flemington Rd , Parkville, Victoria 3052
