Using this platform
This resource provides content that has been linked into the Australian curriculum. Each module is designed to be used alongside existing curriculum resources.
The Science Within Us resource is a tool designed to enhance, enrich, and extend student learning through the lens of those living with genetic conditions.
The Science Within Us resource includes the following components.
▪ E-learning Units
▪ Teacher’s Guide
▪ Student Worksheet Booklet
▪ Student Activity Booklet
In order to provide equity in access for all Australian students, The Science within Us resource is flexible in its classroom delivery.
Teachers may elect to use the resource in a number of ways including:
▪ Teacher-led instruction
Teachers present the e-learning module to the students via a classroom screen with students participating as a group to complete the interactive, discussion, and assessment items. Or teachers may use the e-learning module to present the content and use the Student Worksheet Booklet for students to record their
responses to assessment items.
▪ Student-centred learning
Students access the e-learning module on their own devices via their individual passwords as registered on The Science Within Us web portal. Students complete all interactive and assessment elements independently and receive personalised feedback as they progress through each Unit.
▪ Blended approach
Teachers use a mixed approach to learning, incorporating some aspects as teacher-led instruction and others as student-centred.
For more detail on using the interactive elements within the resource, download the teachers guides when you have registered.
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